Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Auerbach suggests Ulster explore county-wide assessments KINGSTON – Each of the 22 assessing units in Ulster County computes its own rates for property owners. County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach suggested that perhaps a more equitable way of doing it would be on a county-wide basis. There were 87,000 parcels on the books according to statistics from one year ago and Auerbach said some communities haven’t done anything to update assessments in a very long time. “It is amazing to realize that we have some municipalities that haven’t done a reevaluation since back to the 1950s and there are a half dozen communities that are pre-21st century in their assessing, so there is opportunity for change, opportunity to restore confidence in the system, and bring it in at a cost saving effort,” Auereback said on Monday. The comptroller’s office has drafted a report offering several options, with a county administered program being one of them. The report can be found at http://www.ulstercountyny.gov/comptroller/JUNE%202012%20ASSESSMENT%20REPORT%20_FINAL%2006.20.pdf .

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